In a world that is constantly evolving,
our ESG strategy’s company is designed to ensure the long-term well-being of our stakeholders. Our approach encompasses several key aspects, including board diversity and inclusion, dividend policy and executive compensation, shareholder rights, business ethics and anti-corruption, risk management, disclosure and transparency, and stakeholder engagement.
Climate Action
Reduction of carbon footprint emissions
of ocean-bound plastic along Honduran Atlantic coast
Waste reduction in our plants adopting new technologies to improve efficiency
Circular packaging
Recycling and educational programs with our customers, to convert used plastic into raw material that is reintroduced into our production process.

Strategic alliances
Alliance with Fundación para la Educación en Honduras (FEIH, Foundation for Education in Honduras) to build a public school in risk areas of the country.
Recognized members of the Honduran Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility (FUNDAHRSE, Honduran Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility).
Alliance with NextWave Plastics to keep plastic out of the oceans and within the economy, integrating it into our supply chains.
Alliance with USAID, through its Project Sembrando Esperanza, to improve the quality of life of young Hondurans, contributing to the reduction of violence and irregular migration.
Global Compliance Program
All-encompassing compliance program developed by world-renown consultancy firm, to strengthen stakeholder trust through strong ethics and compliance practices.